After a number of years of good service the current WST website is semi-retiring! A new, replacement website is now available at https://wst.org.uk or https://www.wst.org.uk . You may want to change any stored bookmarks you may have in place.
As some of you have been aware, our ‘fleet’ of websites have been in urgent need of revamp, replacement and, in some cases, retirement due to the content management systems they have been built on becoming obsolete, or their usage no longer needed.
By providing standard websites built on a common content management system it will make management of the websites a lot easier than continuing with those built on more complex CMS and custom coding, of which there has been a lot over the years! This will mean that the remaining, newly constructed websites, will be manageable from one interface, rather than the eight currently needed, and will be built on the WordPress platform, which is used by over 50% of websites on a world wide basis.This means, finding someone with the skillset to maintain, administer and develop the websites going forward will be considerably easier. Although each website will have its own ‘identity’ there will be a common core of interaction to make WST and Club Members interactions smoother and less confusing.
We have already began this process, with the current WST members website being the first target. This will continue over the coming year across the My Racecourse, and eventually the Official website ( with the intention of incorporating the Online Shop in to the Official website.We will not be importing information from the current WST Members site, but that site will remain in place as an archive area. We have a rich history, well worth preserving.
As with any website, they are never truly ‘finished’,and work is continuing on devlopment. If you have any questions, requests for features or any other observations please send them to John.Mills@wst.org.uk, and I’ll address them as soon as time permits.